P.O. Box 194 Waiʻanae, HI 96792

Our Programs

Cultural Practitioners Business

Cultural Practitioners Business Cohort assists practitioners in building a business around their practice and creating marketing materials to promote their products or services.

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy is a workshop series that was created to help Native Hawaiian families connect to personal finances through cultural concepts and mo’olelo, or stories. Delivering financial and business concepts through a cultural lens, improves retention and impact of difficult, and often, new material. Participants can connect to the content and apply the curriculum in a way that will affect behavior and perspective in a positive manner.

Entrepreneurial Workshops

Entrepreneurial Workshops aims to assist Native Hawaiian Business Owners living on the west coast of O'ahu build sustainable and profitable businesses. The program consists of a series of workshops, an accountability group, and 1:1 business coaching. The program is strategically structured so that the participants have time to actively implement concepts learned through the workshops and coaching. With concepts learned in the program, business owners will know how to operate their business that can thrive even through times of disaster. After the program, business owners will experience a higher profit margin and an increase in revenue.